以下は、Gary Small & Gigi Vorgan著「iBrain: Surviving the Technological Alteration of the Modern Mind.」〔2008年〕からの抜粋です。The Digital Divideに掲載されていました。初出の英単語に続いて、その邦訳をつけてみました。
・dwarf (動詞)成長を妨げる、小さくする、いじけさせる
〔原文〕 Internet social networks like mySpace and Facebook have exceeded a hundred million users, emerging as the new marketing giants of the digital age and dwarfing traditional outlets such as newspapers and magazines.
・snap at ~ (~に)飛びつく、先を争ってとる
〔原文〕Digital natives are snapping up the newest electronic gadgets and toys with glee and often putting them to use in the workplace.
・ thrive 栄える、繁栄する;丈夫に育つ
〔原文〕Darwin's principle of survival of the fittest helps explain how those with a genetic edge are more likely to survive, thrive, and pass their DNA on to the next generation.
・dexterity (特に手先の)器用さ
〔原文〕 As one side of the brain evolved to become stronger at controlling manual dexterity, the opposite side become morer specialized in the evolution of language.
・savvy 〔俗語〕知る
〔原文〕 For a typical computer-savvy individual, the neural circuit training occurs relatively early and then remains stable.
・malleable (人・性質など)柔軟な、順応性のある
〔原文〕 What about the brains of young people, whose neural circuitry is even more malleable and plastic?
・proficiency 熟達、堪能
〔原文〕These new brain proficiencies will be even greater in future generations and alter our current understanding and definition of intelligence.
〔訳〕 こうした新しい脳の熟達は、将来の世代では、より大きくなり、またわれわれの「知性」概念や理解を変えていくことだろう