これもまた、The Digital Divideという本で抜粋が掲載されていた章のタイトルです。Grown Up Digital (pp.73-96)。すでに、2009年に邦訳が出ています(原書は2008年刊行)。詳しくはそちらを参照していただくとして、ここでは、英単語の勉強の一部として、抜粋を紹介しておきたいと思います。ちなみに、「8つの規範」とは、世界中の6000人のネット世代に対する調査をもとに、かれらのもつ規範(他の世代と異なる態度、行動上の特性)を抽出したものです。翻訳はまだ手元にないため、訳語が違っているかもしれません。


pester (人などを)悩ます、困らせる
 〔原文〕Since I was in the business of observing the impact of the Internet, I started pestering Niki with questions at the dinner table about what she was doing online.

(1) freedom(自由)

revel (・・・を)大いに楽しむ、耽る
 〔原文〕 They revel in the freedom. My son Alex, for instance, is thinking about getting an MBA or a law degree. But when I asked him about his immediate plans for a job, he put it this way:"A commitment of three years or more would make me hesitate...."

hedgehog ハリネズミ 
 〔原文〕Curious whether the African Pygmy hedgehog makes a good pet for a pre-teen? Google offers more than 25,000 links to "African Pygmy Hedgehog" to help the Net Gener decide.

(2) customization(カスタマイズ性)

quaint 古風な
relic 遺物
〔原文〕With YouTube, television networks run the risk of becoming quaint relics. The industry will still produce programming, but where and when the programming is watched will be up to the viewer.

(3) scrutiny(探索力)

fisher フィッシング詐欺
scam 信用詐欺
〔原文〕Net Geners are the new scrutinizers. Given the large number of information sources on the Web, not to mention unreliable information - spam, phishers, inaccuracies, hoaxes, scams, and misrepresentations - today's youth have the ability to distinguish between fact and fiction.
candor 公平無私、虚心坦懐、正直、率直
〔原文〕For anyone wanting to reach this age group, the best strategy is candor. They should provide Net geners with ample product information that is easy to access.

(4) integrity(誠実さ)

・give a damn 少しもかまわない
〔原文〕The stereotype that this generation doesn't give a damn is not supported by the facts. Net Geners care about integrity - being honest, consideerate, transparent, and abiding by their commitments.

(5) collaboration (協働)

・harness (自然力を)利用する
〔原文〕 The new collaboration is not traditional teamwork at all. The difference today is that individual efforts can be harnessed on a large scale to achieve collective outcomes, like Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia written by 75,000 active volunteers.

(6) entertainment (娯楽)

growl がみがみ不平を言う
goof off 怠ける、さぼる
〔原文〕Employers often growl when they see Net geners goofing off online at work. But I think that employers should cool it.

(7) speed 〔スピード〕

24/7 つねに、いつでも。24 hours / 7 days a week の略語。twenty-four sevenと発音する。
〔原文〕 Having grown up digital, they expect speed - and not just in video games. They're used to instant responsee, 24/7.


(8) innovation 〔イノベーション〕

toil 骨を折る、難渋しながら歩く
〔原文〕Net Geners don't want to toil in the same old bureaucracies as their parents. They've grown up in an era of constant innovation and change.